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Forge.Entities.ISystem Interface Reference

All systems need to extend this interface, but it should be done by extending BaseSystem. See documentation on BaseSystem. More...

Inheritance diagram for Forge.Entities.ISystem:
Forge.Entities.BaseSystem Forge.Entities.ITriggerFilterProvider Forge.Entities.Trigger.Added Forge.Entities.Trigger.GlobalInput Forge.Entities.Trigger.GlobalPostUpdate Forge.Entities.Trigger.GlobalPreUpdate Forge.Entities.Trigger.Input Forge.Entities.Trigger.Modified Forge.Entities.Trigger.Removed Forge.Entities.Trigger.Update

Public Member Functions

SystemExecutionOrdering GetExecutionOrdering (ISystem system)
 Return the order of system execution for this system relative to the given system. More...


IEventDispatcher EventDispatcher [set]
 Set the event dispatcher that can be used to notify the external world of events. More...
IEntity GlobalEntity [set]
 Set the global entity that can be used to store global data. More...
EntityIndex EntityIndex [set]
 Set the entity index. More...
TemplateIndex TemplateIndex [set]
 Set the template index. More...

Detailed Description

All systems need to extend this interface, but it should be done by extending BaseSystem. See documentation on BaseSystem.

Member Function Documentation

SystemExecutionOrdering Forge.Entities.ISystem.GetExecutionOrdering ( ISystem  system)

Return the order of system execution for this system relative to the given system.

systemThe system to compare our execution ordering against.
The order that execution needs to happen in.

Implemented in Forge.Entities.BaseSystem.

Property Documentation

EntityIndex Forge.Entities.ISystem.EntityIndex

Set the entity index.

IEventDispatcher Forge.Entities.ISystem.EventDispatcher

Set the event dispatcher that can be used to notify the external world of events.

IEntity Forge.Entities.ISystem.GlobalEntity

Set the global entity that can be used to store global data.

TemplateIndex Forge.Entities.ISystem.TemplateIndex

Set the template index.

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