| Vector2r (Real x, Real y) |
override string | ToString () |
Real | Length () |
void | Normalize () |
override bool | Equals (System.Object obj) |
bool | Equals (Vector2r p) |
override int | GetHashCode () |
static Real | Distance (Vector2r a, Vector2r b) |
static Real | Distance (Real x0, Real y0, Real x1, Real y1) |
static Real | DistanceSq (Vector2r a, Vector2r b) |
static Real | DistanceSq (Real x0, Real y0, Real x1, Real y1) |
static Vector2r | operator- (Vector2r a, Vector2r b) |
static Vector2r | operator+ (Vector2r a, Vector2r b) |
static Vector2r | operator* (Vector2r a, Real v) |
static bool | operator== (Vector2r a, Vector2r b) |
static bool | operator!= (Vector2r a, Vector2r b) |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- Forge.Utilities/Vector2r.cs